Ulster County Residents: Make Your Voices Heard by March 17 on a Law Regulating Polystyrene Foam

Photo: Basil Seggos/Riverkeeper |
On March 17, 2015 the Ulster County Legislature is voting on whether to protect the Hudson River Watershed and their local environment from the impacts of polystyrene foam. We need Ulster County residents to join us in raising our voice for the river by making public comments in support of “A Local Law Regulating The Use Of Polystyrene Foam Disposable Food Service Ware By Food Service Establishments in Ulster County.”
Attend the Meeting and Sign up to Make a Public Comment When: Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. (you must sign up to speak prior to 7 p.m. but please note that the public comment session will not take place until closer to 8:00 p.m.)
Where: County Office Building, 6th Floor, 244 Fair Street, Kingston, NY 12402 (MAP)
Write a Letter of Support E-mail your letter to the Clerk of the Legislature, Victoria Fabella, at vfab@co.ulster.ny.us, and ask the clerk to forward your letter to all legislators. Be sure to include your name, where you live, your role with Riverkeeper, if any (volunteer, member, partner organization), a statement in support of the law, and the reasons why you support its passage.
Need talking points? See our blog post >