RvK Anniversary


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Anchors Away, a film by Jon Bowermaster
Anchors Away, a film by Jon Bowermaster


Watch this 7-minute film by Jon Bowermaster about proposed anchorage grounds on the Hudson River.  

The tug and barge industry says this drastic expansion is necessary for safety. But it’s really about expanding industrial use of the river – especially for crude oil transport. Join thousands of your neighbors and send a message to the Coast Guard by December 6. Tell them you oppose this re-industrialization of the Hudson, and to require a full environmental review.

"I'm hopeful that the public's vocal concern will save the day. And we'll be able to look back and say that this was a turn in history for the river and the community that lives with it."
– John Lipscomb, Riverkeeper Patrol Boat Captain

More info: http://www.riverkeeper.org/anchorages

‘Hudson River at Risk’ film series: http://www.hudsonriveratrisk.com/

Send a message to the coast guard


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