
Action Alert banner 2010

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Put the Brakes on Fracking in NY!

gas drilling photos graphic
 Photos (L to R): Jessica Riehl, WVSORO.org, Jessica Riehl 

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has made it clear it intends to issue a finalized SGEIS this spring, which means that fracking could move forward under the state’s flawed proposal as early as this summer. This move is completely irresponsible, and shows that the state is willing to compromise the health, safety and environment of its citizens and buy-in to the gas industry’s Ponzi scheme. 

Critical omissions in the SGEIS that are unlikely to be addressed in time include:

  • DEC’s failure to analyze potential negative socioeconomic impacts to our communities and other business sectors, such as agriculture and tourism;
  • DEC’s failure to analyze health impacts, despite the fact that we know fracking is making people sick just over the border in Pennsylvania; and
  • DEC’s failure to plan for disposal of the millions of gallons of hazardous wastewater that will be created in fracking is allowed to move forward.

These omissions alone call for DEC to redo and supplement the SGEIS, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

We cannot allow our health and environment to be sold to the gas industry.  Governor Cuomo has promised that he will not allow fracking to move forward until he has the facts and the science that shows that it will be safe and a net benefit to New Yorkers.  Rushing forward in this fashion breaks that promise and puts New York in jeopardy to become yet another case study of fracking gone wrong.

Send a message to the Governor and your legislature today!

To give DEC an opportunity to address all adverse individual and cumulative impacts as legally required, write and tell the Governor and legislature to put the brakes on fracking and support a bill pending in the legislature that would extend the moratorium on issuing fracking permits until June 1, 2013, A7400-A/S.6261. 

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